Sunday 14 April 2013

Partial Progress

I'm making more progress, despite the weather's best attempts. Today I braved the elements to try to lay down a sort of cobble path to extend our old path. The reason for this is pram-related. The pram doesn't fit along the old path so I've put the bamboo border in at a curve to give more space. This has meant that the pram has a load of mud to slosh through - hence, cobble path.

It's not really the ideal solution but should at least keep the worst of it off. First I put down some gravelly soil so it's got something to bite onto and then laid them all out and stamped them into the earth. Naturally, the single bag I bought wasn't quite enough, obviously. SO I bought one more bag, chucked the rest of the cobbles down, tipped out some slate and so on.

After some washing down and scrubbing of path we have:

The back of that bit is going to be a small rockery thing and then it's just a matter of installing a lot of pots etc. *Phew*.

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