Friday 24 August 2012

The Grand Breadxperiment - Hovis Fast Action Bread Yeast

Next up, another one of these sachet jobbies - Hovis Fast Action Bread Yeast:

Six 7g sachets, makes up to 10 loaves. Not too sure how they work that out, perhaps some very precise scales, or you just make ten different-sized loaves - in which case they could say, 'makes up to forty loaves'.

But anyway. It seem to have more additives than other yeasts and so was curious to see what sort of effects these might have. I'm not convinced they are particularly necessary but what the hey.

Foamed up reasonably on activation:

No trouble kneading followed by a pretty decent sort of rise:

The risen dough had a slightly odd structure but that may have been due to me not kneading properly. I did the time but maybe not the quality. Who knows. The shaped and then risen tin:

As you can see, I had trouble making it anything other than wonky. It sprung like crazy in the oven and the sides of the crusts split as a result, making it fiddly to cut:

End result - good soft open texture, pleasant flavour and very nice toasted.


  1. I had good results with this one in the bread machine. You should do something with fresh yeast - that stuff smells so weird.

  2. That's technically on my mental list of things to add to the testing, once I find somewhere that sells it. Wonder if Wallys keeps any in.

  3. Of course, Amazon sell everything:
