Wednesday 4 April 2012

Massive Effects

Little bit of Mass Effect this evening. I mostly just explored some sort of spaceship and put a monument down. The ship somehow seems significant but I can't think why..

I guess it's from the character's backstory or something. Still, I found some dogtags and had some nice flashbacky things. Since then I've gone to a planet to find a Krogan to join me. I ran into a kinda funky-armoured one:

Prior to this point I had crouched behind a block:


  1. Cannot tell if you are serious about not knowing the significance of the crash site....

  2. Hehe, sorry - went a bit too deadpan :)

    I'm still making progress. I've got Wrex 2 and Garrus in my party. Seem to have quite a lot of characters.

  3. Thank the lord, I worried I was about to have to demand you stop playing, haha!

    Yeah, there are a lot of squad members in ME2. As you have the crash site mission I assume you have the Cerberus Network stuff, and that means you can get Zaeed. You should recruit him if possible, he's great.

  4. Aye, I got the 'digital deluxe' as it was about a quid more on the half-price Origin sale. On another note, got ME3 since it dropped to the mad price of £17 on Amazon, so I must make haste.

    I do have Zaeed but I haven't actually used him yet. I seem to be a bit prejudiced against humans. Not really taking all that well to Wrex 2 so I may bump him in favour of either Jack or Zaeed. Although I also have The Justicar now. Hmm.. What to do..

  5. If you chat to Zaeed on the ship, you have to keep pressing the button to get him to talk. He doesn't have a conversation wheel type thing but will continue with what he's saying whenever you press, like. Until he's finished. I'm biased though because he is my joint-2nd-place favourite character.

  6. Did you say you were an Engineer? I believe he can be a great asset to you on some missions if so.

    1. Yep, I am indeed an engineer. Just maxed out my combat drone thing which is dead handy.

      Maybe it's time I went all human for my group for a bit.

  7. Hehe, sounds like a good one. I'll have to look into the mission I have for him - some sort of unfinished business.

    I did quite like Jacob for a bit but then I can't really turn away Garrus or Wrex. That being said, Garrus doesn't seem so entertaining this time round.

  8. I don't know if he pairs up terribly well with the other human squadmates but how important that is may well depend on what difficulty you're playing on. Also, I'm biased again because I don't like Miranda and Jacob, hehe.

  9. I'm only on Normal so probably doesn't matter too much. I don't like Miranda either, she gets on my nerves :)

    The Justicar might be alright for my squad, she seems good for the odd argument.

  10. I was rotten to Miranda all the way through, hehe

  11. I've probably still been too nice - I stopped her killing someone and was quite pleasant regarding her sister :)

    More fool me!

  12. I basically just tried to choose the options that reflected what I actually thought of people, and refused to go back and change anything to affect any outcomes. This resulted in a reasonable renegade score for me as you might expect, lolol

  13. Hehe, aye - I'd not go back and change things if something went wrong. I seem to be going purely neutral - my Paragon and Renegade scores are just about identical.
