Wednesday 4 April 2012

That's long enough.

So, over a year since my last proper post. Doesn't time fly when you're having fun?

I'll do some accompanying pictures in future but for now we only have words. I'll bold some to make it more exciting. Hopefully that is acceptable.

Lately, my activities aren't entirely without consequence but I'll focus on the ones that are. Trust me, that sentence does make grammatical sense. It helps if you read it out loud.

Mass Effect is my main gaming thingy at the moment. I completed the first one without realising there's practically an entire other game within it - I didn't realise you could talk to your crew on board ship and that they unlock quest lines and so on. But anyway, it was still pretty gripping and there was at least one traumatic death. Mass Effect 2 is ticking along nicely and I'm trying to resist the urge to rush it. I live in constant terror of Mass Effect 3 spoilers, particularly as I've caught bits and pieces about it having a silly ending. My silly ending theories:

  • It was all a dream.
  • It was all a dream that constituted a test by the first Prothean beacon to see if mankind was ready for access to the megadethray.
  • It's all a test by the Reapers to see if organic life is worth preserving.
  • Shepard is a Cylon.
EVE Online is still very much on hiatus despite occasional attempts to get back into it. I mostly can't bring myself to devote the required time to it. I did pop on the other night to do some scouting for the wormhole corp but I didn't find anything for us to kill. I only noticed in hindsight the number of people who were sitting around in our home system and not scouting, lazy devils.

Steam continues to draw money out of my bank account in small quantities in the same way as 'death by a thousand cuts'.

This weekend saw me finally planting out a bunch of herbs and other things. I planted out oregano, sage, thyme, tarragon, parsley, coriander and basil. For non-herbs I planted some spinach, strawberries and some garlic from the cupboard that had begun to germinate. I did this just about in time for a bunch of fresh frosts. *sigh*.

They seem to have survived but they aren't looking massively healthy. I don't know if it's the trauma of the replanting or the transition to the cold. Luckily our kitchen is pretty cold at night anyway (that's where I started them growing) so it's not a total shock to them.

I've been doing some Roleplaying games. Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition and a Whitewolf thing. In the D&D I am a younger brother (by about an hour) who is slightly thick, tetchy and violent. I am also 15 years old, which may be the same thing. The Whitewolf game is set in 'the real world' and has me playing a version of me that was hired by a supernatural investigation agency (MI9) in Cardiff. They hired me because they saw that pathologists and histologists work in the same lab but histologists are waaayyy cheaper and they must be more or less the same thing, right?

There's more but that's too many words without pictures so I'll end it there. Coming soon: pictures of herbs, rats, a bald shepard and a drawing of a vampire.

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