Friday 27 April 2012

Expected Allies

After running around various shops, searching for 'storage solutions' to bundle up things in the house that are no longer particularly needed, we popped to McDonalds. There was an amusing entitled-princess woman in there who loudly announced, "I am NOT sitting on a dirty table" before proceeding to do so. The food then somehow made me feel ill, despite just being beef, bread and potato. Mysterious.

After that I made some boiled eggs for the rats and did some Mass Effect 3. First proper mission - rescuing a Primark. Turns out that it's actually *Primarch* - some sort of bloke rather than a clothing shop. Who knew? Here he is, brooding over his burning planet:

At least, I think that's him. Though actually, it may well be Garrus (MY EXPECTED ALLY) looking at his hometown burning up a bit.

Managed to get out, got myself a new sniper rifle. I'm a ohh.. what's it called? The cloaky sniper class.. Inflitrator? Anyway, I'm one of those this time. Fancied a change from being an Engineer. I do like sniping.

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