Sunday 20 March 2011


Last radio show for a little while at least. It wasn't a bad one but I do feel a lot more relaxed now that I won't be compelled to watch bad films. Today's one was You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger. Some Woody Allen pointlessness. Not terrible, just unconvincing and average.

For something else to do I've been bumming around on World of Tanks open beta. Seems like a good one to jump in and out of. I'm rubbish with normal tanks but this one is working well for me:

It's some sort of Russian self-propelled gun. Apparently it was blueprinted but never actually built. I just find myself a nice high spot, let other people do some scouting and then rain fire on the enemies. Fun fun.
It generally looks cool too, like this other Russian tank I bought:

It's got sort of talent trees to do upgrades for your tanks - you can choose whether to upgrade guns, engines, etc. Assuming it stays Free to Play I'll probably pick it up when it's released properly.

I do also have Rift now as well, finally patched up to date so I'll be having a try of that tomorrow.

Oh, I forgot to do pics of my current Pokemon lineup. Probably just as well as they've let me down at the moment. 5th gym leader is kicking my arse.

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