Friday 11 March 2011

Websites and dog

Today turned out to be fairly busy. After the tidying up I threw together a Flickr account for our imaging unit and also did some updates to our own website. It turns out that I had inaccurately described some otter kidney stone work so had to change some things. Nothing major. We've decided to use Flickr as a way of providing demo and sample images to people because updating our own website is a bit of an arseache due to this content management system thing.

I'm also a bit gutted at Pokemon because of the following. I really had to level some other ones as Smugleaf couldn't quite take on the entire world solo so I started levelling this little beaut:

He's a Lillipop, a sort of dog with a good noise and some mad skills. Been getting along nicely with him as I don't really like many of my other Pokemon. And then this happened:

I mean, he's ok and all but it's just not the same. I think I'm going to have to get a new one and give him a bit of a prod if he starts to evolve again.

Funny how you end up attached to these things. Silly pixel beasts.

EVE is a bit quiet, I think most people are subdued by the slowly building drama. I'll give it a bit of time to pick up then probably leave them to get on with whatever they do when I'm not there.

And dammit, I forgot to take a picture of my tea. It was a madras.


  1. No, I like Herdier. Look at that beard.

  2. And I just looked up what Herdier evolves into. It's quite epic.

  3. Hehe, yep - the evolved form is much better. Some sort of big sweeping dog thing.
