Wednesday 9 March 2011


That last post was a little bit chaotic and rushed, just wanted to get some stuff down.

I'll elaborate, though this work PC is hanging for a couple of seconds every 30 seconds or so which is profoundly irritating.

So, EVE things. I originally got into my current corporation via EVE University - these are good people who have set themselves up purely as a charity to help new players learn to play. They provide free equipment, classes, advice and all sorts. As I have ties with them and am now an evil bastard Wormhole PvP person (when I get the chance) I've agreed to help them with a class. A lot of the new players are interested in this sort of thing and it might be fun to give them a few stories.

Just had a bit of an oddity too. I'm a Director in the current corp but I've just seen a notice on our forums about some sort of meeting this Sunday. To discuss fundamental issues.We've never had a meeting before and it's a bit odd to see a public announcement of it without me knowing anything whatsoever. Bizarreness. I've made my mild displeasure known.

I recently made a short guide for people to be able to identify the types of wormholes from their appearance. To this end, here is a few of the images. Wormholes look nice.

Class 4:
Class 2:

Class 2s are nice as they are blue and there's lots of easy stuff people can do in them solo and then we can go in and kill the careless people. Or try to trick them into trying to kill us and then kill them.

The weekend also had quite a lot of going through old pictures and cataloguing them with a Student Edition of Adobe Lightroom. Very nice bit of software and it scanned my drives to pick up all sorts of things I'd forgotten. I have some extremely poncy studenty pics of myself and some nice pics of other people from ancient My Received Files folder. I'll post some of the poncy ones later, for lolz.

I need to figure out how to tweak the layout on this as I don't like it much as it currently stands. How hard can it be?


  1. I did not enjoy messing with the layout on here. I ended up changing to old style something-or-other to get mine as I didn't like any of the ones that came up by default.

  2. I did only really want to move the description up a bit closer to the title but it all went bizarre so I gave up. I've settled on just changing slightly one or two colours.
