Sunday 13 March 2011

Stay classy

Pokemon is becoming a bit tough. I'm trying to keep all of my six critters levelled but it's a grind to do it and a pain when they die as they get no xp for the fight. I'm very much enjoying this kitty at the moment though:

She's great. (I say 'she' - technically male but definitely seems like a female cat to me). I did stop using her for a while because she dies so quickly but I got a Sand Attack move which reduces enemy accuracy so now I just apply that a couple of times and she dodges virtually everything thrown at her. She also has Assist which is a neat little wild card - it plasters the screen in paw marks and then uses a random attack from one of your other Pokemon. Not always useful but it doesn't matter - there's no rush as Sand Attack means she can just tank the enemies forever anyway. Here she is doing Assist, probably to devastating effect:

I got my second badge too. Was a bit of a tough fight against a kind of high level chipmunk.

I've finally got a complete lineup of Pokemon that I like including:

Who carries a big plank.

Who is named Bugleaf and knocks the hell out of grass-based Pokemon. He's a Sewing Bug type.


Who drains life out of people. Sounds nasty but I'm sure they don't mind too much.

Obviously all of those are pretty classy but the main reason for the title was that I was part of an EVE University class last night. I'm not sure how well it went as I was a bit nervy and babbled a bit due to the huge number of people listening - it peaked at about 124 people and ended up at about 100. There were three wormhole corps taking part and in my nervous state I kept trying to make jokey disparaging comments about them and times they'd failed to fight us and things. This was intended to just be a bit of gentle ribbing.

But I fear I came across as a snarky, know-it-all dick. I did at least manage to avoid yelling, "YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.". Oh well, at least we had an old friend of the uni in our corp so he kept things smooth and I think the students found it useful and/or interesting.

I was also making notes based on some of the comments made by the other corps. Very useful intel for if we fight them in future, assuming it wasn't cunningly-crafted misinformation. I don't think it was, a lot of what they were saying is certainly part of conventional wisdom. As far as our PvP ships go though, we think outside of the box.

Reading a bit of a Lightroom tutorial about the perspective correction tools. Spot the deliberate error;

'keystone distortion caused by shooting at an angel'

If you're taking potshots at angels I suspect keystone distortion is likely to be the least of your troubles.

Just trying to think what else is going on. Oh yes, my mum apparently thinks I've been down this week. I don't think I have but it can be hard to reliably tell.

Ack, and got that corp meeting tonight. Might be fun I suppose.

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