Sunday 20 March 2011

The week in pictures and some words

I can't already be slacking on updating this. I'll try to summarise the events of the past week but I've probably forgotten some due to being a bit tired.

Well, the corp meeting on Sunday went ahead and it was basically decided to leave the Alliance. The other corp we're with are mostly fine there's just two people who are utter arseholes who nobody else can get along with. I did nearly get into an argument with one of them - wrote a post on the corp forums using phrases like, "woefully under-socialised" and "temperament of a wife beater" but saw sense and didn't post it.

So the people who had moved up and joined their corp managed to sneak their expensive ships back out and come back with us. When we announced that none of our people are able to tolerate them there was a bit of drama so now we'll just see what happens. I imagine the Alliance will be broken but I'm happy with that outcome.

New plans for us involve moving up to a higher class of wormhole system and running a fresh apprenticeship to bolster the US Time Zone numbers.

Monday: went to doctors to restart my antidepressants. I'd done a trial period of staying off them but that didn't work very well. It's only a small dose but it seems to be just enough to keep me ticking over sensibly. So that meant a late start but still got loads of work done. Popped to the pub after work to read a book and got chatting to a pair of comedians. I don't mean that in a disparaging sense - they really were comedians. They were pleasant enough.

The book I'm reading at the moment is Forgotten Voices: D-Day. It's a collected set of diary entries and personal recollections that tell the story of the events of D-Day. Very, very interesting to see how it all went on and lots of funny little passages. They've just got to the part where the gliders have landed and are trying to secure the flanks ahead of the main seaborne invasion. One of the people who escaped from a crashed glider into a flooded area said he was keeping up the fine traditions of the British army by making tea - all the teabags he had sewn into his uniform were leaving a stream of tea behind him as he walked.

Bit of a blank for the rest of the week, something may come to mind though. I had been doing some Pokemonning and bought the guide book. Never played the games before so was sure I was missing out on all sorts of basic stuff. I got a new evolution:

I don't like it much and I don't use him any more. I'll post my present lineup later.

Mostly the week was just work though. I did notice that the trend towards scientific talks with zany names is still ongoing:

'Making a case for it'. Oh, you guys.

Still a bit tired so can't think of a huge amount else. Friday I had some burgers. Oh, and on Friday we received a security alert saying a big animal rights protest was happening at the uni. I went to take some pictures of them, expecting them to be quite interesting. The protest was.. not well attended:

Yes, that's all of them. I haven't just framed it to make it look weak. Four. Four people. And, ahem:

You know that company is a big customer of Huntington Life Sciences, right? Tch.

When I got back I went to a bbq which had some nice food and sat about taking the piss out of Dinocroc vs Supergator but the fun had to come to an end due to rugby. Did some EVE and took some pictures of the Supermoon but they were mostly crap due to the sky being very hazy. I quite liked this one though:

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