Wednesday 9 March 2011

A summary of recent things

Well yesterday was a bit of a quiet one. I got so little done that I almost felt bad for going to bed. Not too bad though, as the reason I was getting little done with due to wanting to finish The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss. It's absurdly massive and has been the only thing I've read for about a week.

It's about a bloke called Kvothe who's an innkeeper telling the story of his life. It flicks back and forth between past events and current ones in a fantasy world thing. It's got magic and interesting technology and philosophy and a bit of humour. Also: some touching moments, sex and violence. Nothing excessive or tasteless though - sorry to disappoint.

In general it's been excellent and I've barely been able to stop reading it. I noticed on the train on the way home that I was at 90% and decided this had to finish. Happy with how it turned out but a bit sad that the next installment probably won't appear for a number of years. Oh well..

Luckily I have good old EVE Online to keep me occupied. I did vaguely pop onto it last night but there wasn't a lot happening.

My corporation of about 30 people live in an isolated wormhole system in unknown parts of space. A wormhole looks like:

^^that. What you can see there is a wormhole that leads from a Class 4 system to a Class 3. I like in a Class 4 system which always has a Class 3 exit, so that hole there is where I go most nights looking for adventure, things to kill or money to make.

Yesterday though we didn't have many people on and I couldn't be bothered with doing scouting so there weren't much doin'. I just read while occasionally glancing to see if there were any Internet Spaceships for me to blow up. There weren't.

Y'see, my corp is in an alliance and a lot of our people have gone off to the other corp in the alliance hoping for more money and more excitement. However, one person in the other corp is so grotesquely obnoxious that most of the people who moved over are simply not playing now. I suspect they will leave and come back to play with me soon, woohoo.

Further to this, I have bought Pokemon White. I've never really played one of these before but looks like it might be a pleasant diversion. I could play it easily while doing mundane EVE money-making activities. I doubt I'll catch them all but I definitely want a Smugleaf:

That will suit me nicely. I'll make pictures of my pokemons and everything for posting on here.

Just thought, I have a WH PvP class coming on Saturday. I have to teach people in EVE University how to blow up evil/innocent people in Wormhole systems. Woe is me. Woe.

I'll throw the MP3 up on here while done.

And bah, lunch break has ended too soon. MUST DASH.

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