Sunday 27 March 2011

A quiet week

Yes, mostly been a quiet week - lots of lazing about and early nights. Let's see, what did I do..

Worked quite hard (in work) and got lots done, as usual. Lots of slides made, samples processed and I also finally finished my Official Photography Unit Guides to Using a Nikon D90. Apart from thinking up a snappy title, that is.

Wednesday saw a brief visit to Jane's pad where Lucas insisted on throwing himself on top of me quite a bit. He's only little but he's absolutely solid, it's mad. Just so heavy and strong. We had a bit of Peroni and cake and watched Masterchef and I caught her a goth pokemon on.. well, Pokemon.

Friday night I did a bit of EVE - we were trying to play with a corp who seemed very similar to us so we wanted to get them to attack us and have a bit of a scrap. Sadly they refused to co-operate. I was about 90% certain they had cloaky eyes on us anyway so there wasn't any real hope of surprising them. I also patched up some old games I hadn't played for a while with the intent of giving them a go. These are League of Legends and Battleforge (more on these later).

Yesterday (which was Saturday) saw a trip to the park. Lucas had a bear to look after so it seemed vital to take him on an adventure. The bear was named Dewi and I mispronounced it virtually without fail. Glebelands is a nice little spot and it meant Lucas could look at some trains and his potential future school. He also got the opportunity to completely snub another child.

Here he is, having spotted something of import:

And here he sits as King of the Glebelands. He wasn't too happy about Dewi sharing his throne:

So, League of Legends, eh? It's a sort of MMO based around a gameplay mod for Warcraft 3 which was a tower defence sort of thing. In it, you have uncontrollable allies and enemies constantly spawning and attacking the enemy base and you support them by controlling a hero character with special abilities. In the normal mode of LoL you have this sort of line-up:

From which you can see a good bit of the appeal of the game - it's got a brilliant art style. I've been switching between a few of the 'recommended' novice characters such as Annie:

She's a sort of evil child who uses powerful magicks to blast people apart and also summons a massive monstrous bear to kill people with. She says things like, "Have you seen my bear Tibbers?"

Look at her skip along:

There is also a wolfman thing called Warwick who gets health from attacking people and has a really nasty dps cooldown you can use to quickly take out enemy players:

He says things like, "It's only fun when they run". He's got an ability which increases his speed if he detects a nearby player with low health so you can peg it across and nuke them.

Also there is Tristana who says things like, "C'maaaaan, let's shoot something". She's got some really nifty utility things. Also: a bazooka.

A typical game involves 10 people and goes on for about 30-40 minutes. The consequence of this is that it generates some really spectacular emo rage when anything goes a bit wrong. One match yesterday had someone constantly saying things like, "OMG I'M ON TEAM RETARD!!". I like the game though so I just ignore them.

You have a persistant character which levels up and you can spend points you accrue to unlock new heroes to use and so on but I've already got quite a few and not played that many of them yet.

Battleforge is a sort of card-based RTS style of thing but I've not got around to trying that again just yet. Maybe I will do in a bit and then take some photos.

Umm.. I'm a bit low on books I want to read now as well and there's not many telly shows either. Limmy's Show has now finished. Down the Line is back on but that's radio and also only 30 minutes a week and I can't quite get into Masterchef this time around.

So this means: GAMES.


  1. Masterchef is awful this time. It's like they turned it into X-Factor.

  2. Aye, it's all just silly high drama and grandness. I liked it when it was cooking with the odd daft challenge thrown in.

    Cooking for the cast and crew of Merlin, indeed. I don't believe it.



  4. I know.. I don't know what series they brought it in but those bits where they time cooking sounds like knife chopping or pulsing a blender to match the jazzy music were certainly the beginning of the end.
