Wednesday 9 March 2011


Bit of a dull one on EVE really. Got some info on this meeting business - looks like it's to discuss the fact that the people who moved into our sister corp can't get along with the members of it. Which is the exact reason I didn't move over to them. I am totally incompatible with them on a personality basis. In terms of actual activity, we tried to bait some people into attacking us so we could ambush them but things got a bit dodgy. We had lots of scouting happening which made us spot that suddenly a fairly large number of unidentified ships had appeared in system. Our numbers were limited so we decided discretion was the better part of valour and all that. We collapsed the wormhole a couple of times but got nothing interesting.

So instead I did some Pokemonning. I got sidetracked a bit trying to work out the online stuff on it - Nintendo Club, Pokemon Trainer Club, free Pokemon during the first month of release, all sorts. I'll have to get it online though, I can't pass up the opportunity of limited edition pixel gain.

It's pleasant enough so far. I haven't used my DS for ages though and the screen looks really small and primitive now. It wasn't cutting edge when it came out and now it seems v. poor. It's just auld skool though.

As expected I went for Smugleaf as my first Pokemon. Surprised to find out he's actually not called Smugleaf. He's called Snivy. I've renamed him Smugleaf.

I quickly had a first scrap with a so-called 'friend'. She nearly killed my poor Smugleaf but I won in the end. Watch how Smugleaf looks in contempt at some pigbeast.

I then wandered off, met some sort of Professor type who gave me some free Pokeballs. These are used to capture Pokemon; who knew? This is my first one I got. It's a dog? cat? some sort of thing.

Now that I've finished my book I've moved onto Rivers of London by Aaron somethingovitch. I started reading it a little while back and enjoyed it but now that I'm continuing with it.. I dunno. After The Wise Man's Fear it seems so trivial. Lately I've been mostly reading these massive, sweeping fantasy epics and now other books are seeming a bit basic. I think I'll have to switch to reading recollections from the troops who landed at Normandy in World War II to reset my mental balance.

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